Hurt At Work?!?Working For You When You Can’t Work.

Appealing Denied Workers’ Comp Claims For Wilkes-Barre Workers

You applied for workers’ compensation because you suffered a work-related injury and illness and need time to recover. But your employer’s workers’ comp insurance company denied your claim anyway. Whatever they say about your injuries, you don’t have to accept a denied claim or settlement offer that won’t come close to paying your medical bills or making up for your lost wages.

At Belt Law Firm, P.C., our attorneys, Timothy Belt and Kurt Kwak, are two of the most respected and experienced workers’ compensation attorneys in the Wilkes-Barre area. They have more than 40 years of combined experience helping injured workers. Mr. Belt is a certified specialist in workers’ compensation by the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Section on Workers’ Compensation. Trust us to forcefully appeal your claim with a case based on the facts to help you get the benefits you and your family need.

Don’t Wait Too Long To Take Legal Action

In Pennsylvania, once you get a notice that the insurance company denied your claim, you have three years to file an appeal. However, few people who are seriously injured and unable to earn an income can’t afford to wait that long. Contact us and we will get to work promptly on your appeal. We will examine evidence like your medical charts to build the case that the insurer was wrong to reject your initial claim.

Take The Confusion Out Of The Appeals Process

The appeals process can be complicated and technical. We can handle the details for you, so you can focus on your recovery. Call Belt Law Firm, P.C., today to schedule your free consultation. You can reach our Wilkes-Barre office online or at 570-714-3343.